Tuesday, February 28, 2012

This list grows longer, of books I want to read. My mind flashes to the movie, the matrix when the newly released Neo is “loaded” with Jitsu. Part of me longs for that instant experience…to know the book with no time involved as my life seems ever shorter with each passing day. In reality, it is….like a ball of yarn unwinding slowly as the knitter knits, needles clacking, creating some beautiful thing to be treasured and worn for warmth.

My ever-shortening life and my ever-increasing list. Priorities….my eyes are far too tired and daylight long gone when I happily crawl between the sheets each night. People tell me this is when they read, but I have to grab my fix in the morning, like a cup of coffee on the way out the door. A quick paragraph of Voskamp, one Collins poem (only one!), and then the day is upon me. Bible before breakfast and a morning conversation with the Lord. Matthew chapter one—How ironic that King Herod’s actions to kill Jesus actually helped fulfill Messianic prophecy…”out of Egypt I called my son”.

Breakfast, and dishes, and reading, and school, and then errands and dinner and cleanup and chores, and books and games and tucking in, and getting ready for tomorrow and a few quick minutes to type out my thoughts in the chilly sleepy kitchen.

The books pile up on my dresser. Library due dates loom. On Saturday morning, I will stay tucked in and enjoy a few chapters while the kiddos devour their weekend treat of self-serve poptarts. This must suffice. This must meet my need. The golden part of the yarn being knitted. Click clack, creating some beautiful thing to be treasured and worn for warmth.

Monday, February 27, 2012


“You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world.” Mattew 5:14 the message

There it is. The reason why I exist, why I am here. I am an artist, a writer, a painter, a friend, and I have a great palette of God-colors. My paintbrushes touch everyone I touch. They brush my children, my parents, my husband and my friends. I paint at the grocery store, at the library and even at the drive-thru. What color am I using today?

Am I dipping my brushes in God’s paint or my own? My own is like water, the strokes leave a mark that dries quickly into nothingness. I start at one end of the fence and by the time I finish, the beginning is an unchanged as when I began. Why am I not accomplishing anything? Why do my efforts seem so useless? Why can’t I change anything?

Change is not my department. It belongs to the maker of the universe, the creator of color. He who picked that emerald green grass color that makes my smile begin. If I try to cover over everything with my own efforts, it all goes awry…because it is me, and not Him.

I must hold onto my brush and dip into God-colors, not my own. He is the paint that never chips, peels, or fades....like water that forever quenches your thirst. Today, I submit to the greatest artist. Lord, teach me how to paint your world.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

An Attitude of Gratitude—the 1,000 blessings challenge, continued….
“Change my heart, oh God, make it ever new….change my heart, oh God, make me more like you.”
In the continuing effort of growing in Christ, my blessing listing continues:
15. Children who read and write stories on the computer.
16. A winter sunrise of color with bare branches silhouetted.
17. Children who can pour milk without spilling
18. The portent of a baby tooth fallen out
19. The smell of apple pie
20. Dancing little boys who don’t have to go potty. 
21. Hugs around the neck
22. Warm dishwater
23. Repaired left slipper
24. Inspiration

Friday, February 10, 2012

More Blessings to Count

1,000 things to be thankful for (con’t).

10. Children who treat each other with kindness and can find solutions when they disagree. I don’t want to be a referee mom, but rather an arbiter. The fine art of compromise can be learned in childhood.
11. My laptop computer that connects me to the world of the web.
12. My cozy lavendar bathrobe that keeps me warm on winter mornings in my chilly kitchen.
13. My husband’s kindness. When I was not feeling well, he brought home chicken for the family --with no complaints.
14. Friendships that enrich my life with encouragement, experience, and excitement.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

1,000 Things to be Thankful (con't.)
9. I am thankful to be a mom of twins. See article Sweet sleeping twins for details.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Count Your Blessings

8.Children who are kind to strangers: Ryan shared how he took the boys to McDonalds after wrestling practice on Monday night and Lucas gave away his matchbox car from his happy meal to another little boy.

9. A husband who encourages. On Sunday night during dinner, I was feeling a little down at all the cleanup I would have to be doing and Ryan mentioned Counting your blessings and all four kids started singing the chorus to “Count your blessings! Name them one by one…” He looked at me in surprise across the table while I just smiled. “Well, apparently, they know that one.” After supper, he looked up other old hymns and sang the words for over an hour while I cleaned up. I am counting him as a blessing, which is what this list is all about anyway.

10. Encouraging notes that come in the mail.