Friday, July 13, 2007

When Science comes to you II

This week we found two kittens wandering the back yard (and a pet carrier near my neighbor's porch). We took them in and the kids had great fun playing with the kittens for the day. This was the same day my sister, Holli, and her family arrived from Washington state. Her girls were also excited to see and play with the kittens. I did have to "gate" the kitties in the laundry room for their own protection. "The gruesome" tended to hug them too hard or play tug'o'war with them. Timothy took lots of pictures as he will miss the kittens.

We had the opportunity to talk about how kittens grow and how to handle them gently, etc. Sarah --"Look how tiny God made their paws!" Tim -- "and He gave them claws for protection." My neighbor has a real heart for animals and thinks someone left them so she could find homes for them. So when she arrived from work, she came and took them home. (Whew! I was getting nervous as timsarah were coming up with names!) Later that night when we let poor Lenny (our own cat) out of his exile, Tim exclaimed, "Wow, Lenny is HUGE!" I wonder what will happen next week.

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