I deecided to go to the store after lunch. Tim needs gloves. He keeps outgrowing everything. I called Grandma to see if she needed anything. Papertowels. After lunch, everyone wants to go outside Perfect. We will be leaving for the store in a few minutes, everyone. Of course, it’s 23 degrees and snowing like a banshee..
Luke wants help with his socks. He can do this himself, a fact of which I remind him. Mark is already working on it. I am trying to find Sarah her mittens, which are the tote in the laundry room. She heads that way. Tim’s zipper split, but is a quick fix. Marc and Luc are freaking out because they each have one sock on and their brother is wearing the other sock. This is quickly fixed by getting out one more pair and dividing it between them. They look at me as if I have performed a magic trick.
Sarah is almost crying because she can’t open the tote. Remind her to ask nicely for help. Go to laundry room, open tote. See toy car on the floor, put in basket to go up stairs. Marc is going “beeps” and needs to be wiped. Done. Tell him not to run in socks. Wham. Hugs for hurt. Remember your walking feet. Wash hands, where’s the towel? On the floor. Put that back on rack. Find wet washcloth, marble, and doll under the towel. Hang up washcloth, put doll and marble in basket to go upstairs.
Try to convince Marc and Luc to put on their own boots. Much talk and sharing of boots. Start clearing cups and plates from lunch. Finally put boots on boys while praying for patience. Send Marc outside. Send Luc for his coat. Luc dumps tin of popcorn on floor. Sorry mom. Get out broom. Marc is back, he needs a hat. In the tote. Realize contents of tote are covering laundry room floor. Toss stuff in tote, including two marbles and a doll. Weren’t those in the basket?
Okay, all four are outside, with coats, hats, mittens and boots. (except for Tim, who needs bigger gloves.) Whew. Only 1:30…Didn’t we have lunch at noon? Grab my coat, boots, run to the bathroom. Realize I haven’t brushed teeth yer. Thirty second brush job. Out the door. Gather kids. Get to store. Store is stifling. Cart is so stuffed with coats, there’s no room for Grandma’s papertowels. Tim will carry them. Wow thank you Tim.
Where’s Luc? We lost Luc again. I check the next two aisles. I find him trying on boots. He tried on boots last time he was here. Wow, he has a great memory. Only one of his boots is visible. Sarah finds it one aisle over. I put boots on Luc and overhear Tim say, “Watch how far I can throw these papertowels up and catch them!”
Luc is not happy about being dragged back to the cart. Stay by your mom. I calmly explain to Tim about the inappropriate behavior of tossing papertowels. Take deep breath. Sarah is crying. Apparently Marc has hurt her feelings. Luc is also crying. Something about boots. Head for the checkout. Wait in line. Cashier smiles sympathetically, too sympathetically.
This is when I realized I am wearing my shrug in public. The shrug is that quilted flannel shirt from 1987 with the frayed edges, missing buttons, and rolled up sleeves. It’s not pretty, but its the warmest thing I own. I love to wear it around the house. However, it’s really NOT supposed to leave the house. Smile back. Mention that I brushed my teeth today. Cashier stops smiling.
Make way to door. Put everyone’s coats on. Lucas is crying because he is wearing Marc’s coat. Marc is crying for the opposite reason. Switch coats. Sarah is crying. Apparently Lucas has hurt her feelings. I resist the temptation to tell Sarah that more than her feelings are going to be hurt soon. A quick hug instead. She decides to stop crying. Where are Tim’s gloves? Oh, that’s what we came here for….maybe Ryan can get some later.
Back to the van. Buckle Marc and Luc. Time on the clock 2:45. Didn’t we have lunch at noon? Yikes. Drop papertowels at Grandma’s. No, we can’t stay today, Grandma. Arrive home by 4:00. Ever wonder where the day went?
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