Good Friday
"Whatever you do, work at it with your whole heart, as though working for God and not man." Colossians 3:23
Work. Work. Work. Some days it's downright tough to do the dishes one more time or do yet another load of laundry or spend time making one more meal. I call it the deep-sigh day. It means I need an attitude adjustment from my spiritual chiropractor. All these deep sighs and unspoken complaints are simply symptoms of me-ism. Yep, focusing on myself again instear of my creator and sustainer. Me-ism = selfishness = sin= repentance = J.O.Y. = Jesus Others You.
That's right, "you" is last. "But what about ME? It's isn't fair. I've had enough; now I want my share. Can't you see?. . . " Another selfish 80s song floats through my brain looking for a home, but I know another, "It's no about me, Jesus, that you should do things my's all about you."
Isn't true worship the humbling of ourselfves? Admitting we were wrong and walking in grace, grace--like wrapping up in a dryer-warmed blanket after a cold walk outdoors.
In Luke, the Roman centurian discovered something. He viewed Christ's horrible death from beginning until the end. Darkness covered the land, the veil was rent in two, and we all know his statement, "Truly this was the son of God!" yet we miss the verse before it. Our pastor pointed to this little remembered phrase in the book of Luke and it seemed to lodge in my heart. The scripture says, "He PRAISED God." It's hard to imagine PRAISE at such a time, but there it is. He PRAISED God.--That one little verb I need for my attitude adjustment.
My life needs to be that praise, tha tacknowledgement, that daily love song, even my dishes, my laundry, and my dinners.
Love Song
Today my powm will be written
Not in words
But in the work I do
To make this house
Shining and welcoming.
Today my poem will be written
Not with pen
But with my mop and broom
With my iron and parin gknife
A love song, yes--
One written with my life.
By Elizabeth B. Rooney
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