Thursday, June 9, 2011

Congratulations to my eight year old daughter, Sarah, on taking second place for second grade in the PBS Kids Go! Young Author's contest. Here is her prize winning story.

The Rabbit Who Thought He Was a Dog

Once upon a time in a beautiful green meadow, there lived a group of rabbits. One of these rabbits was named Rex. Rex did not believe he was a rabbit. He thought he was a dog. He walked like a dog, sat like a dog, and even tried to bark like a dog. Worst of all, he chased the other rabbits.

The other rabbits were very worried about Rex. They sent their leader to have a talk with Rex. “Rex, we are very worried about you,” said the leader, “You seem to think you are a dog.”

“but I am a dog,” replied Rex.

“But you are not a dog,” insisted the leader, “you are a RABBIT! And you should do rabbity things.”

“But I am a dog,” said Rex, started to make a low, strange sound.

“What is that noise?” asked the leader.

“I am growling,” answered Rex and he chased the leader away.

The rabbits were still worried. Until one day when everything changed. A large brown furry creature with a large wet nose entered the meadow and began sniffing the ground. The rabbits all ran into their holes. But Rex did not.

Rex approached the large brown furry creature with a large wet nose. Rex began making a noise that almost, but not quite, sounded like barking. Rex tried to look like a dog and perked his ears up.

The large brown creature responded with a large “BARK!” and bounded toward Rex. Rex screamed very loudly and turned to run. As he ran as fast as he could, he realized that yes, he was a rabbit and not a dog. He dashed into a hole and the dog ran away.

The End

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