Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year 2010 Miscellaneous things kids say and yodeling.

Today is actually the last day of 2009. It's also the first day of the rest of your life. (By the way, so was yesterday, I just forgot to remind you.)
We have had a great vacation thus far. I asked Tim yesterday if he was enjoying his "vacation" from school. "Oh good," he responded, "we are on vacation. I was afraid if I asked, you would say, "time for school!' ".
I found Lucas in front of the register in the bathroom, soaking up the heat. "My toes are comfy-cozy," he said, "but my back got all melty."
Tim was explaining about ninjas to Sarah, "They can cut through cement with their bare hands!"
Marcus was listening intently, "Where do they get those bear hands, Tim?"
Tim built an elaborate carriage from blocks and was explaining the people and their jobs. "The queen is inside; these are the horses."
"What about that guy on the top?"
"Oh, he's the Heiar."
"The Heiar?"
"Yeah, he says, 'Hei!' to the horses to make them go."

I recently found one of my favorite songs on You-Tube. Yep, it's that yodeling one from the disco saints. "I like to yodel with my friend, Jesus." I am so grateful to be saved.

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