Weekly Wrap Up
Let's see, Lucas had dental surgery Wednesday morning, I contracted a terridl code in my node on Tursday. Aaa-aaa-chooo, and yet, school still happened.. Most days anyway.
Let's see, Lucas had dental surgery Wednesday morning, I contracted a terridl code in my node on Tursday. Aaa-aaa-chooo, and yet, school still happened.. Most days anyway.
Highlights: SCIENCE (Tuesdays and Thursdays) We are learning about invertebrates. Can you name the 8 classifications of invertebrates? We can't yet either, but we are working at it. We learned about regenerating flatworms, jelly fish that weigh 60 pounds, earthworm predators, and I got to share the starfish story again. (You know, the "it made a difference to that one:" one.)
MATH: We also played math games. All you need is a deck of cards for math for young ages. You can play everything from war to base 10 games, and do counting and add and subtract. Base 10 games are where 2 cards have to add up to ten. like a 6 and a 4. We play base ten go-fish, and base ten matching. You can do sorting and matching and even the classic "cards in a hat", where you sit against the wall and take turns chucking the cards toward the hat to see if you can get them in. Actually, this is how I got Tim to start flashcards. If he got it right, he got to throw it. My older two now know older games, like rummy, which develops their strategy thinking. Let me just say, they have beaten me several times. I like TLSbooks.com to find math sheets. Free printable worksheets for preschool through fifth grade
Reading and History: We are working through our McGuffey Readers with 3 spelling words a day, and Tim and I are doing American History. It mentions the presidents and whenever a year is listed, Tim asks me if I was born yet. No, not 1814, no, not 1870....you get the idea. Last weekend he and I watched part of "The Presidents" series on the History Channel and they talked about part of the history we had learned. He also wants to know what dollar bill will have Obama's picture on it.
BIGGEST STRESS: It is tough to school Tim and Sarah and Marc and Luc. I know I did more with Tim and Sarah when they were Marc and Luc's age. I just seem to run out of day. During Wednesday's dance class for Sarah, I have a planned activity, book, and game with M and L so they get that once a week, but it's not once a day like it was with Tim and Sarah. T and S did school every day during Marc and Luc's naptime. I'm gonna rethink the schedule after Christmas, I think.
No field trips this week. We didn't even make it to the library. (yikes!)
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