"Mom! You are making the kitchen smell all dinnery! yum...."
"Why does my body tell me to stop running and get all tired when I just want to go?"
"Why do we need night time?"
"I wish we had battlestations, Mom!"
"Why don't we have any armor?"
During Bible, we are learning Luke 1:37 "Nothing is impossible with God" and Mark wants to know, "why don't we have a Mark verse? There's a Mark in the Bible you know!"
While waiting for dance class, there is a room full of moms just for Lucas to entertain. He overheard one mom mention her husband, Tim. He went right over and joined the conversation, putting his hand on her shoulder, "That's my brother's name."
"That's my husband's name," she replied. Lucas immediately turned to the other mom in the conversation and asked, "What's your husband's name?" "My husband's name is Mark, " she answered. "That's my other brother's name!" he exclaimed, smiling widely. He immediately turned to the woman seated in the next chair. "What's your husband's name?" he inquired. "His name is Vince," she answered. "Oh," he intoned, obviously disappointed. Not to be deterred, he moved to the next woman and repeated his question. As he made his way around the crowded room, the original two ladies turned to me, "what is his name?" "It's Lucas," I answered. "I don't think he's going to find one," she said.
"Could you please die over there? This is MY space."
"Mom, why don't you call me "your majesty" today?"
Here's a couple Sarahisms too.
"Do not argue or complain about anything. PHILISTINES 2:14"
"Look, Mom, I can melt snow with my bare hands!"
Do you find yourself joining in with the fantasies sometimes?
"Even the King has to wash his hands."
"All knights will remain seated while eating lunch."
"Your mission, should you choose to accept it, will be to retrieve the mail today."
"If this room is not clean, a disaster beyond your imagination will occur!" (Oops, I saw the Phantom in Dallas--guess that was my own fantasy imposing upon reality).
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