- Science week this week. Tim and Sarah worked on reports on Body Systems. Tim is tackling the Skeletal System and Sarah is doing the muscles (She was quite delighted to learn the heart is a muscle, as her last report was on the heart.) Tim loves games and we found one about bones. ABCya! Skeletal System Game: Learn the Bones! We use the Power Point program and then have the kids present and grade one another on presentation, including points for eye contact, smiling, and knowing their slides well. Mama grades them as well. This week, they also did some of their own typing! (Thanks, Heather, for BBC - Schools - Dance Mat Typing - Home
The weather won on Wednesday. It was so beautiful, sunny and warm for Michigan in March. The boys had story time at the library while Tim and Sarah worked on their writing and daily grams, but that was it for school today. Sarah had dance at 1:30, and while I usually stay at the studio and do school with the boys, we left and went to the park. We played pirates at the playground, threw rocks in the water, watched a swimming duck leaving trails on the pond, and tried to catch a couple seagulls. Tim even dug holes in the sand. After dance, we ran errands, and headed to another park for one more hour of the glorious feeling of sunshine warming up your clothes and hair, and made it home just in time to leave for church.
- We are also entering Reading Rainbow’s Young Author’s contest this year (k-3rd. grade). Reading Rainbow Young Writers & Illustrators Contest Sarah created a great story called “bunnies and raspberries” contrasted to Marc’s “The Scary Pirates”, which is also great in its own right.
- I love it when God winks at me. One of my goals this year is for Tim and Sarah to learn their books of the Bible and that’s also the current focus of Children’s Church. We read the list of books every day and found a song on youtube. YouTube - Bible Books
We listened to Stuart Little by E.B. White (author of Charlotte’s Web) and enjoyed it but found ourselves disappointed in the ending, which didn’t feel like much of an ending at all as Stuart had not yet found his bird friend, Margalow.
Tim is also reading Tom Swift and the Aerial Warship (our 2nd. Tom Swift book) and Sarah has started Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm.
The week ended with Sarah and I attending the ballet, “The Squire and the Scroll”. It’s based on the book of the same name by Jennie Bishop. Wonderful book about the importance of living by God’s word. Check it out at your library. It has knights, a dragon, a princess, and a quest. Wonderful to see live performance that gives God the Glory.
The ballet sounds wonderful! Glad you like the typing website! My kids love it! I love your power point idea! That would be so fun for us to do with our science lesson! Hmmm...now you have me thinking! Thanks for the great idea!