Thursday, February 7, 2008

Happy Birthday

The boys are three today. That means three years ago today I went to the doctor and then on to the hospital for a c-section and early delivery of two little babies. Two little babies I didn’t even get to hold as they were whisked away to neo-natal. But three weeks later, they were ready to come home. It’s three years later and they are now busy, busy boys, and no longer babies. I love these boys and their happy smiles and hugs and kisses and ideas while they are playing. Mark said to me yesterday, “I not Marky. I Lukey”. He says this while smiling mischievously and waiting for me to say, “no, no, no, you are Marky.”
He just asked me to put his socks on his hands. He is playing pretend.

Ryan brought home a box of empty plastic lidless bottles that were headed for the trash at work. They look like shampoo bottles and the boys are having so much fun with them. They have gone bowling, to the grocery store, had a long line of bottles, and even marched while hitting them together as musical instruments. Who needs toys?
Lucas loves to hug your neck so tightly you can hardly breathe. He also says, “I got you, Babe.” He is also super-proud if he accomplishes anything by himself, like putting on his own socks (on his feet). “I do it all by myself!” he exclaims in awe.

I have always told Tim and Sarah and the boys that the boys are NOT allowed on the top bunk of the boys’ bed until they are three. When Tim found out today was their birthday, he asked if he could ‘show them around’ the top bunk. Go for it, Tim. They are now back playing bottles again.

A sure sign of age three. We are leaving the library and going through the process of putting on coats and mits, etc. As I am zipping my last coat, (my own), Marcus pipes up, “Come on, people, time to go.” Tim looks at me and says, “Did he just say ‘come on people’?” “Yes, he did.” Marcus’ words are echoes of Timothy, his hero, but I keep those thoughts to myself. I’m thinking I am going to like age three times two boys.

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