Thursday, February 17, 2011

Crock Pot Writing

I love to write, but cooking….not really my thing.. but the the crockpot is like writing.

You start a piece, throw together the ingredients, chopping some big, some small. You put it in the pot and let it simmer. A piece of writing simmers in my mind; I pen some of it to paper. Look at it, toss in some small bits, maybe some big ones. Try a crunchy carrot or two…hmm…pretty good…turn on low and leave it be for a couple hours. Walk by later and smell it, it’s coming along….add a phrase or two….stir the pot a little. The smell permeates the house. You can even smell chicken and dumplings upstairs. By four’o’clock, I want to print it up, post it to the blog, send it to a friend, read it to a child, but wait, it’s not finished yet. It needs more….time….By six, it’s perfect prose, thick goodness ready to be ladled onto plates, steaming in its perfection. Makes me want to take a picture…but hey, it’s only food, prose, true soul food…don’t let it sit too long in the pot…then it’s overdone…over metaphored….over concised…let it cool….ladle it into containers for the overnight in the fridge…Next day, at lunch, it’s still perfection, maybe even better after the hot words have settled, and now, like a favorite paperback, reopened once again…Ahh, satisfaction.

1 comment:

  1. Tracey, you need to get published. Have your extroverted husband use his sales skills and find you a publisher! I love to read your blog. Everyone should read your stuff!
