Sunday, February 20, 2011

Take A Step

A smooth sea does not a good sailor make. It’s the rough seas, the pirate encounters, and even the mutinies that make the man. Times of adversity reveal true character.

When my husband lost his job, someone told him, “I guess your faith in God is real after all.” Apparently, this person was waiting to see Ryan fall apart. They wanted to know if his talk matched his walk. Ryan did not fall apart; he didn’t even fall on his faith. He leaned back comfortably, acknowledging to Whom he belonged. My husband did not panic, cry, or whine. He even smiled. A doomsday cloud was not above his head. He rested in the calm assurance that God had it all under control. He has always been a good sailor (and granted, he’d faced rougher seas then unemployment). True, this bystander had been looking at the Christian, and not the Christ. (Not to worry, the husband pointed him in the right direction).

Still, the point remains. Do we truly rejoice when we face trials of many kinds? Or do we believe we are the masters of our own destiny. Do we acknowledge that ALL we have is because of our Creator, God? No, this does not mean we sit in our unemployment and wait for God to drop the perfect job in our lap. Faith is an action word. It’s a walking word, and a place where God meets us. Remember Indiana Jones and the “step of faith” he made into the seemingly bridgeless chasm? There was the bridge, the once invisible made visible. This is what happens when we take that first step.

Of course, this is all easier said than done, or is it? Doesn’t it become easier in the doing? Don’t be a sailor afraid to set sail. Stop worrying about the weather. Acknowledge to Whom you belong and walk in it. Go ahead. Take a step.

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