Sunday, February 15, 2009

A wonderful week of sledding and play

Last week, the kids and I made the 90 mile trek to a big, beautiful house in the woods owned by massage therapists. That’s right, my parents, the grandparents, welcomed us up for a wonderful week of sledding and play.

Except on Tuesday, it was 50 degrees and very wet. We all fell down on the ice. Tim didn’t want to leave the house, but kept talking to me on the walkie-talkie. I buried Sarah in a snow bank with the kick sled. Lucas had to go potty. Sarah’s socks were wet. But we were still up for a wonderful week of sledding and play.

Except the next day it rained. Then Sarah got very sick and started throwing up. We slept with the trash can between us. Tim made it outside to sled with Papa, but returned so Papa could get first-aid due to a face-plant and a bleeding chin. The next day Tim had a fever, and a headache, and another night with the trash can between us. But we were still up for a wonderful week of sledding and play.

Except on Thursday, the dog bit Lucas on the hand. The blind man was the only witness. A call to the doctor, much cleaning, Neosporin, and many band-aids later, Lucas was calm and watching a movie. Tim went out with Papa, but lost a glove. On Friday, the dog bit Lucas again, only without breaking the skin. Bad dog. But we were still up for that wonderful week of sledding and play.

Except on Saturday, our last day, Grandma woke up sick and slept with the trash-can most the morning. I went to the store for medicine, except the van didn’t start. The tow guy threw out his back getting the van down the hill. He took it to a place that was open until 6:00. Except they couldn’t get to it until Monday. Sarah sat down on the floor and announced she wanted to go home. But we were still stuck there at the end of our wonderful week of sledding and play.

Except my wonderful husband, the man I married, drove 90 miles up to rescue us and 90 miles home so we could all sleep in our own beds last night. Whew! Perhaps next winter we will be up for another wonderful week of sledding and play.


  1. Oh, my! What a week you had! But the way you wrote this made me laugh. Thanks for that! I hope everyone has a much healthier, accident free week this week!

  2. The baby and I had a wonderful week of sledding and play, too, except it didnt snow so we just played :)

    Hope this week is better for you all.

