Friday, March 18, 2011

Five Things (Books this time)

Five Things (I try to post my "Five Things" on a semi-regular basis so if you see "five things" in my label list, some interesting things may turn up.)

five things (18)

The five books closest to this computer are:

EsEssentials of Strategic Management (school book for Ryan)

2. 2. Love Wins (Liberal Theology)

3. 3. His Thoughts Toward Me (uber devotional)

4. 4. B-I-B-L-E (Real Theology J

5. 5. Clep guide to Algebra (for Ryan’s school)

Weird, there were no kids' books in my five….

Okay, five books that are in the library bin.

1. Biography of Charles Lindbergh

2. The Prince and the Pooch (Wishbone’s take on the classic Prince and the Pauper)

3. Crab Cab (Can you say learning to read?)

4. The Periodic Table of Elements (Yep, that’s science)

5. Mercy Watson Thinks Like a Pig (By the way, Mercy really is a pig)

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